Safe, Steam-Only Ice Dam Removal Near Bozeman, Montana
If you have ice dams and possibly a roof leak, call Ice Dam Guys® at 1-800-ICE-DAMS (800-423-3267) for same-day or next-day service in Gallatin County. We’ve removed thousands of ice dams since 1995 and we’re the top-rated ice dam removal company online across the United States! We are properly licensed, bonded, and insured.
Everyone knows that Montana is God’s country and the outdoor enthusiasts at the Ice Dam Guys® believe that wholeheartedly. In fact, the Madison, Gallatin, and Yellowstone rivers are some of our favorite places to go fly fishing for trout! As much as we love Montana fishing, that’s not what may have brought us to your neck of the woods this time of year. Homes throughout Gallatin County get hammered with snow so badly that you and your neighbors probably have ice dams. In that case, we’ve probably got ice dam technicians near you already. If you’re not too familiar with ice dams, here’s one below:
Common signs that you have ice dams on your roof include large banks of icicles (as seen above), sheets of ice sitting atop your shingles (also seen above), and interior water leaks if it gets too far away from you. Although it’s fun to play hooky on an intense snow day, when it comes to ice dams, you don’t want these to form. That’s because they can often weigh over 1,000 pounds and when you have that amount of ice (and eventually water) on your roof, you can experience any number of problems for your home. Unfortunately, most homeowners don’t see the signs that an ice dam is forming because they are often hidden beneath ever-increasing snow that accumulates on the roof.
Most commonly, our customers will call us when they start noticing property damages such as interior water leaks, sagging gutters, or in the most serious of circumstances, collapsed ceilings. While most homeowners will notice there’s an issue well before the ceiling collapses, even a trickle of water leaking through your attic’s insulation, the ceiling’s sheetrock, and electrical can be costly repairs to make. Even worse, if you didn’t notice it for quite some time, lingering mold issues can require remediation. Here’s an example of a major mess one customer discovered:
The reason ice dams form is that there are either unseasonably warm temperature spurts throughout the day or there’s interior heat loss into your attic. Both situations create fluctuations in temperature that can warm the roof enough to start a thaw. However, not all areas of your roof are created equal and your overhanging eaves and gutters are not insulated like the majority of your roof. This means the perimeter of your roof will often remain frozen for longer and when that thawed snow begins to melt it will pool behind the frozen gutters without a path off your roof. Shortly thereafter, when the evening temperature drops below freezing again, all that pooled water will freeze, and voila, you have an ice dam. At this point, your only option is to remove it, which is where we come in!
Steam-Only Ice Dam Removal Near Bozeman
The Ice Dam Guys® have been removing ice dams from homes since 1995, which is the same year DVDs were invented!. Did we date ourselves too much with that one?! The good news for you is that over the past decades we have quite literally changed the industry when it comes to ice dam removal.
In the early 90s, most of the existing options for ice dam removal included roofing contractors who regularly used hot water power washers, ice picks, steel shovels, tons of ice melt, and even flames to tackle ice dams. We never got into those bad habits because they made no sense to use! Tools such as ice picks, hammers, and steel shovels had way too many opportunities to damage your roof with an errant swing. Hot water power washers are way too aggressive and regularly damage shingles while introducing more water to your roof. Flames make more sense for the Darwin Awards than ice dam removal. And salt or ice melts can work but they also produce corrosive runoff that will often damage your home’s expensive concrete or siding. We don’t understand it, but somehow many contractors still try to employ these methods. Unlike them, we invented and trademarked our in-house beast, Steamzilla™!
Nothing compares to only using steam to remove ice dams – nothing! Steam is noticeably gentle at protecting your roof and shingles, while also being so effective that it always removes the dams. Homeowners love it too because instead of hearing some amateur bang on your roof you simply see our technician walking the perimeter of your roof slicing and dicing the ice dam. What you’re left with are an ice-free roof and free-flowing gutters! Here’s one of our techs doing this for a visual aid:
We cannot caution you enough – avoid contractors and seasonal roofers who want to use the harmful methods we listed above. On the other end of the spectrum is Steamzilla™ pumping out nothing but gentle steam by a technician with years of experience clearing icy roofs. You called us because you worried about your home, let us gently remove the problem so your home stays intact and undamaged!
America’s Finest Ice Dam Removal Company
For 25 years Ice Dam Guys® have been preparing for your ice dam emergency today. We’ve served customers from coast to coast, received more glowing reviews than any other company by far, we’re properly licensed, bonded, and insured with a General Liability policy to provide comprehensive protection to our clients. We’ve hauled our finest technicians and ice dam steamers into the following Gallatin County communities:
Amsterdam, Atkins, Belgrade, Bridger, Butte, Chestnut, Cowan, Four Corners, Hoffman, Livingston, Logan, Manhattan, Patterson, Powers, Sedan, Springhill, Story, Three Forks, West End, and Wineglass.
We also want to make sure you know who we are, what we do, and why you can trust us. That’s why we’d encourage you to go online and search for “Ice Dam Guys reviews” and see what our past customers say about us. Spoiler alert, it’s gonna be good! Whether you read through Google, the BBB, Angi, or Yelp (and beyond), we’re confident we’ll be your #1 choice!
We look forward to working with you and helping you today!
Call us now at 1-800-ICE-DAMS for same-day / next-day ice dam removal for your Bozeman-area home.