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Emergency Ice Dam Removal Near Brainerd Lakes, Minnesota

If you have an ice dam emergency in Brainerd, Cross Lake, Crosby, Baxter, Pequot Lakes, Nisswa, or throughout Crow Wing County, call the Ice Dam Guys® at 1-800-ICE-DAMS (800-423-3267) for same-day/next-day scheduling! We’ve removed thousands of ice dams since 1995 and we’re the top-rated ice dam removal company in Minnesota and America. We are properly licensed, bonded, and insured.

Minneapolis-based Ice Dam Guys® spend countless winter hours helping our neighbors in Brainerd Lakes and throughout Crow Wing County. In fact, if you’re in need of emergency ice dam removal, we’re likely already here on someone else’s roof! It makes sense why we’re in such high demand, as the Brainerd/Baxter area has over 5 months of daily freezing temperatures each year. That’s a long time to be frozen, especially with our annual snowfall totals. This leads us to why you’re here today – you likely have something like this ugly fella camping out on your roof, huh?

Emergency Ice Dam Removal near Brainerd Lakes, Minnesota with Ice Dam Guys®

If you have anything on your roof that looks like that, whether it’s not that dramatic or god-forbid even worse, you have an ice dam and we need to get it off now! These bad boys often weigh in the high-hundreds and into the thousands of pounds, which is not the kind of houseguest you want. Aside from their chilly demeanor, ice dams can cause all kinds of property damages, most commonly, interior ceiling leaks. As you can see in the example below, a leak running through your attic and ceiling can impact a variety of your home’s interior components. Insulation, electrical, sheetrock, wood, mold remediation, and more. Guess what all of those share in common? They are all derived from the Latin word moneta, which means you’re gonna spend some cash to fix them! Instead of being on the hook for costly home repairs, it’s far better to nip ice dams in the bud.

Water leaf from an ice dam that the Ice Dam Guys® found at a customer's home.

Ice dams usually form when there’s a combination of factors all working together but against you. It starts with having tons of snow on your roof during really cold periods of weather. Whether it occurs naturally from a fluke sunny day or unnaturally due to interior heat loss into your attic, that snow experiences a rather quick thawing period. However, unlike the majority of your warming roof, the eaves (overhangs) and gutters remain frozen. This is because those areas are surrounded by cold temperatures above and below since they’re isolated from the attic. Think of them hanging out there kind of like Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio did at the front of the ship in Titanic, they’re still attached to the ship/house but definitely out there in the wind!

When snowmelt begins running down your roof it will not experience much resistance until it reaches the gutters, which are still frozen. It’s at this point the snowmelt begins accumulating on the already frozen gutters and adds layers upon layers. As the temperature naturally swings back into below-freezing that evening, voila, you now have a bunch of ice dammed on your eaves. More often than not, it just snowballs from there and if you’re not on the lookout for ice dams, they can sneak up on you and by that time, it’s already too late. So how do we solve your problems?

Steam-Only Ice Dam Removal in Crow Wing County

The Ice Dam Guys® have been fighting ice dams since before Y2K (we formed in 1995) and when we started out we tried a lot of methods. Very quickly we learned what did work and what didn’t work. It wasn’t too long after our inception that we fell in love with and never looked back from steam-only ice dam removal. Steam-only ice dam removal is the only option that is consistently safe yet effective. Unlike the more brunt approaches we’ve seen countless trades perform on homes, our method hasn’t caused an issue yet!

In fact, we’re so happy with this approach we developed our own machines which we appropriately named (and trademarked!), Steamzilla™. When we fire up ol’ Steamy our technicians will create a hash mark pattern on your ice dam. Essentially, they play a solo game of Tic-Tac-Toe until the ice dam is separated into many small pieces of ice. These pieces are handheld and they’re easy to clear from your roof. They’ll rinse and repeat the same steps along the perimeter until you’re left ice-free with free-flowing gutters. Here’s one of our techs doing this for a visual aid:

Steam-Only Ice Dam Removal in Crow Wing County with the Ice Dam Guys®

We cannot stress this enough – do not proceed with a contractor or seasonal roofer who suggests using a hot water power washer or anything blunt, sharp, fiery, or salty. While each of those methods could work the chances for property damages are far greater than steam-only ice dam removal.

Hot water power washers can just thrash a roof’s shingles like they’re in Florida during hurricane season. Tools like ice picks, shovels, or torches (yes, we’ve seen blow torches and other flame-producing methods before) can easily cause a variety of damages that make matters worse. Lastly, salt melts will eventually become a corrosive runoff that can drip down your siding and find your hardscapes to damage both. As we said, they can work but why risk it when Steamzilla™ is around the corner?

Ice Dam Guys®: Brainerd Lakes Ice Dam Removal Experts

For over 25+ years, Minnesotan homeowners and businesses have trusted the Ice Dam Guys® for their ice dam removal emergencies. As they should, considering we’re properly licensed, bonded, and insured with a General Liability policy to provide comprehensive protection to our clients. It’s because of this long-standing success and relationship with our customers that we’ve been able to branch out and serve more communities throughout Minnesota. As we mentioned above, you can find us nearly weekly in the following towns throughout the region:

Barrows, Baxter, Brainerd, Crosby, Crosslake, Cuyuna Lakes, Deerwood, Emily, Fort Ripley, Garrison, Merrifield, Nisswa, Pequot Lakes, Pillager. Pine River, Riverton, Sylvan, and Woodrow.

It can be hard to find worthwhile vendors on Google anymore, as there seem to be hundreds of options in all sectors. Finding yourself in an urgent situation while having to vet prospective vendors can be a luxury you don’t have. That’s why we wanted to make it easy for you by linking out to our review platforms on the following sites:

  • 100+ happy customers,
  • BBB: an A+ rating for 10+ years,
  • Google: we’re the top-rated ice dam removal company in the nation,
  • Yelp: we have a perfect 5/5 stars from all customers.

You can also search “Ice Dam Guys reviews” on Google or Bing to see even more! At the end of the day, you called us because you were having a problem that threatened the well-being of your home. Let us take care of it, so you can go back to enjoying your home without the threat of ice and leaks ruining your winter…and your wallet!

Call us now at 1-800-ICE-DAMS for same-day / next-day ice dam removal for your home in Brainerd, Cross Lake, Crosby, Baxter, Pequot Lakes, Nisswa, or anywhere else in the area.

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