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ice dam prevention

3 Ice Dam Removal Checklists for Homeowners

This ice dam season, I’m guessing you’ll be in at least one of three situations: 1.  You want to prevent ice dams from forming on your roof. 2.  You have ice dams, and want to make sure you hire the right company to remove them....
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How to Pick out the Right Roof Rake for Roof Snow Removal

Call us at 1-800-ICE-DAMS if you have an ice dam on your roof and live anywhere in the lower 48. We are properly licensed, bonded, and insured, and are the top-rated ice dam removal company in the US. You can end the leaks with a phone call...
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3 Roof-Raking Tips for Quicker and Easier Roof Snow Removal

Call us at 1-800-ICE-DAMS if you have an ice dam on your roof and live anywhere in the lower 48. We are properly licensed, bonded, and insured, and are the top-rated ice dam removal company in the US. You can end the leaks with a phone call...
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Ice Dam Prevention Tip – Turning the Heat Down

As cold and icy as ice dams are, they can’t form without heat. You know the story of how ice dams form. It’s winter, it’s cold, and you crank up the heat, but your attic isn’t properly insulated, so the heat rises up through your...
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Pre-Vacation Ice Dam Prevention Measures

You’re planning a wintertime vacation.  It’s a lovely time of year to travel.  You’ll have a great time! But when you get back home, what will you find?  Will you find a safe, comfortable home that’s exactly the way you left it—or will you return...
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How to Forecast (and Prevent) Ice Dams

Plenty of homeowners know they’re looking at an ice dam when they see tons of ice on their roof (literally).  Oftentimes these ice dams are littered with a string of long dazzling icicles.  But how do you know when you’re about to get an ice...
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2 things you can do to fight ice dams

1. Clean leaves, sticks, and debris from gutters and down spouts each fall. This basic maintenance will allow melting snow to flow into the gutters and down the spouts as intended. 2. Remove the snow regularly from the roof with your Roof Snow Scraper. By...
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