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About: Josh Benson

Recent Posts by Joe Palumbo - Head Ice Dam Guy

A Homeowner’s Guide to Snow Shovels

Media: Hunker Link: A Homeowner’s Guide to Snow Shovels All snow shovels are not created equally. Much like screwdrivers, saws and dirt-moving shovels, snow shovels are designed with different conditions and functions in mind. Some excel at pushing lightweight snow,...
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The Polar Vortex Could Severely Damage Your Home

Media: HouseBeautiful Link: The Polar Vortex Could Severely Damage Your Home Here’s how to prevent any problems. With dangerously low temperatures across much of the United States, everyone is bundling up before they venture out into the polar vortex to...
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Roof Maintenance Tips to Help Homeowners Prep for Winter

Media: FamilyHandyman Link: Roof Maintenance Tips to Help Homeowners Prep for Winter When it comes to winterizing your home, forgetting to prepare your roof for cold winter weather can be a costly oversight. One of the most important steps when...
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The Lazy Homeowner’s Fall Maintenance Guide for Indoors and Out

Media: Apartment Therapy Link: The Lazy Homeowner’s Fall Maintenance Guide for Indoors and Out Clear out your gutters. One resounding tip from multiple experts was to clean out gutters. Most homeowners are only concerned about clogged drains due to autumn’s...
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Expert explains roof ice dams and how to avoid them

Media: AccuWeather Link: Expert explains roof ice dams and how to avoid them Last week’s polar vortex forced millions of Americans to blast the heat in their homes, but without proper insulation, that heat could have gotten trapped in your...
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Removing ice dams from roofs

Media: Insider Link: Removing Ice Dams from Your Roofs Ice Dam Guys specializes in removing snow and ice from roofs, which can cause leaks inside houses. Employees shovel the snow first, then use a steamer to break up the ice. They...
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BBC Interview with Joe Palumbo of Ice Dam Guys®

Media: BBC News Link: World Business Report The BBC’s Rahul Tandon interviews Joe Palumbo of Ice Dam Guys® in December of 2022 regarding the record-setting snow emergency in Buffalo, NY and on the increasing severity of heavy-to-disastrous snowstorms in recent...
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Is Your Roof Safe?

Head Ice Dam Guy Joe Palumbo talks about the dangers ice dams can have on your home's roof after Chicago is blasted with winter weather. Joe talks with Bruce St. James of WLS-AM 890 in Chicago. ...
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An Ice Dam on Your Roof Can Cause Big Problems

Media: Spectrum News 1 Link: An Ice Dam on Your Roof Can Cause Big Problems While icicles can make for a pretty sight in the winter, they can also be a warning sign of a potentially major – and costly...
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What is an ice dam and how do I prevent them?

Media: ReMax Results Link: What is an ice dam and how do I prevent them? What is an Ice Dam, and how do I prevent them? Prevent damage to your home AND save money? Say no more. Learn all about...
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The Man Who Invented Ice Dams

Media: Twin Cities Business Link: The Man Who Invented Ice Dams Before Joe Palumbo came along, they were just those annoying ice structures. Now they have a name and are part of a $2 million business. Joe Palumbo knows that...
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The ice dam cometh. Are you ready?

Media: Boston Globe Link: The ice dam cometh. Are you ready? After the winter we had, our motto became: “Ice dams be damned.” My husband and I spent the summer with a parade of roofers and insulation contractors trying to...
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Minnesota ice-dam wranglers find warm welcome out East

Media: Star Tribune. Link: Minnesota ice-dam wranglers find warm welcome out East   A cascade of ice adheres along the side of a brick building in downtown Boston, Friday, Feb. 20, 2015. Ice dams have been a huge problem across...
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