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Ice Dam Removal

Everything you need to know about removing ice dams from your home or business.

Removing Ice Dams in Idaho!

We’ve been busy in Idaho, helping homeowners protect their homes from roof leaks caused by ice dams.  2017 has gotten off to a VERY wintry start here in the Gem State. Just in the past week or so, Ice Dam Guys® techs have helped homeowners...
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Dirty Job: a Day of Ice Dam Removal

Ice dams are a simple problem: a bunch of ice collects on your roof during the winter.  Removing them should also be simple, right? Not for my company, Ice Dam Guys®.  I’ve been removing ice dams since 1996.  Usually when you’ve spent years and years...
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DIY Ice Dam Removal: a Good Idea?

No, you should not try to remove ice dams from your roof yourself. Not unless you’re a trained and experienced pro who’s been on hundreds of roofs and logged hundreds of hours with an ice-dam steamer (which I’m guessing you don’t have lying around the...
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3 Ice Dam Removal Checklists for Homeowners

This ice dam season, I’m guessing you’ll be in at least one of three situations: 1.  You want to prevent ice dams from forming on your roof. 2.  You have ice dams, and want to make sure you hire the right company to remove them....
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Not All Ice Dams Are Created Equal

A headache is not just a headache.  It can be a migraine.  Or a caffeine headache if you didn’t get your morning cup of coffee.  Or a hangover because you had a few too many the night before.  How to get rid of your headache...
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The Truth about Ice Dam Removal Safety Training

When you’re trying to decide on an ice dam removal service, probably one of the questions you want to determine is: Do these guys know what they’re doing?  Can they do the job safely? More specifically, you might wonder what kind of training or certification...
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People Who Misspell “Ice Dam” “Ice Damn”

You know an ice dam removal “specialist” is dumber than a brick – or has never seen an ice dam in his life – when he spells it “ice damn,” with an N. Nothing wrong with spelling it wrong if you don’t deal with ice...
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How Do I Know When the Ice Dam Season Is Over?

You want to know when you no longer have to worry about ice dams forming on your roof – right? Well, I can tell you in one sentence when the worrisome ice dam season is over: If it’s mid-February or later and the nighttime low...
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Should I Knock the Icicles off My Icy Roof?

Call us at 1-800-ICE-DAMS if you have an ice dam on your roof and live anywhere in the lower 48. We are properly licensed, bonded, and insured, and are the top-rated ice dam removal company in the US. You can end the leaks with a phone call...
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3 Common Ice Dam Removal Ripoffs

Call us at 1-800-ICE-DAMS if you have an ice dam on your roof and live anywhere in the lower 48. We are properly licensed, bonded, and insured, and are the top-rated ice dam removal company in the US. You can end the leaks with a phone call...
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I am shocked to see a quality site such as give such poor advice on how to remove an ice dam. We have been in the ice dam removal industry for more than 15 years. You should never strike an ice dam with any...
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Ice dam removal damage

Was your home damaged by ice dams this year? Do you still have interior and/or exterior damage to repair? Give Ice Dam Guys® a call today and we’ll set you up with a qualified company to do the job right the first time. Call us...
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Why should you hire us?

Ice dam removal work can be quite expensive, but trust us when we say “hire a professional”.  We have seen more damage done to rooftops by homeowners and non-qualified (often times uninsured) contractors than we can keep count of.  It’s important to remember that the...
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